The objective of the talent show is to recognize the innate and acquired talents of the new students, who join the college. It is a day dedicated to the first year students. They were enthusiastic about it. The day began with the Eucharistic celebration invoking God’s blessings on the first year students. The talent show began at 9.00 a.m. in the Milan Hall. Each student performed according to his/her taste, interest and self confidence a song or solo dance or group dance. There were varieties of dance such as prayer dance, welcome dance, Punjabi dance, Bollywood dance, Sambalpuri folk dance, contemporary dance, Western dance, classical and semi classical dance. There were a few songs sung by the music students. There were 23 items in all. The critique of the performance was done by Mr.Rakesh. They had more positive strokes to state than negative. He praised them and their performance. Dr. Fr. Wilfred, Principal, appreciated the performance and also thanked them for making this day a memorable one. The programme ended with the vote of thanks proposed by Ms. Jayanti, the college leader. The anchoring was done by Miss Axeena and Prakash.