The Sanjeevani Hostel girls returned with renewed energy to NavSadhana on July 3, 2019. There was counseling for the new students of the college on June 20, 2019 in view of selecting the students for Bhartnatyam and Hindustani Vocal course. All together 30 students were selected: 19 for Bharatnatyam and 7 for Hindustani Vocal. All of them along with the old students gathered for the first assembly of the NavSadhana Kala Kendra, Post Graduate College of Music and Dance on July 4, 2019. It began with a prayer song led by the music students. It was followed by a reading from the Holy Scripture: Gospel According to Matthew 5:13-16. Prayers were made to bless the institution: chairman, principal, director, staff and students. Dr. Fr. Wilfred Moras, Principal of the College welcomed the new staff members: Fr. Sunil, Sr. Rosely SRA, Sr. Hemlata SRA, Sr.Sheela FSAG, Sr. Sangeetha FSAG and Sr. Agatha FSM, with a bouquet to each one. He also introduced them enumerating their qualities and competence as well as the responsibility. Fr. Sunil is the Administrator and Treasurer; Sr. Rosely is the Vice Principal and Sr. Hemalata, Warden; Sr. Sheela is the English Lecturer; Sr. Sangeetha is the office secretary and Sr.Agatha is the Audio Visual Office Incharge and Incharge of Liturgy. He gave a message to the students stating that education is for character building and life building as well as the fruits of education is the modest living and good conduct. It calls for humility, discipline and disposition from the part of the students, dedication, diligence, filial love and care from the part of the staff. The college choir sang a melodious felicitation, greeting song for all of them. A gift was also given to the couple. All were happy to return to the class after the first assembly.