Students of Nav Sadhana Kala Kendra were invited by the President of Munshi Premchand Lamhi Mahotsva Committee to perform a prayer dance on the last day of the celebration, i.e. on Aug. 2, 2012 in the Regional Cultural Centre Auditorium. The students were enthusiastic as it gives them an exposure in the public in the city, Varanasi. It was well performed on the above mentioned date. The audience, especially the intellectuals and elites of the society, had highly praised it. It was an occasion to make known the Nav Sadhana Kala Kendra, College of Dance and Music, especially of Bharatnatyam and Hindustani Music. The choreography of the prayer dance was prepared by Mr. K. Rajkumar, Dance Teacher of the College and attended by the Principal, Vice Principal, Dance Teacher and Fr. Rosaline Raja Manser.